Our Instruments: The Organ

The organ of Grace Church on-the-Hill is a three-manual and pedal instrument by Casavant Freres, 1926. The instrument was a gift to Grace Church from Robert Charles Matthews, P.C. Casavant made additions and tonal revisions in 1960.
In 1979, Richard Valentine Porritt made a generous donation to the Church for repairs to the organ, or its replacement. By 1997, when the Church was about to undergo a major renaissance, it was determined that the organ console required replacement. This project was completed by R. A. Denton of Hamilton, Ontario, thanks to the generosity of the Porritt family.
Extensive repairs, additions, and tonal re-visions deemed necessary in 2004-5. This rebuilding of the organ was a gift given ot the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the lives of Ruth and John McCarthy, and dedicated on November 20, 2005. The work was done by Andrew Mead of Mead Musical Services.Tonal design and voicing was done by Thomas A. Fitches.
Organ Stoplist
Great Organ (61 notes)
Swell Organ (61 notes)
Contra Bass
(Extended from Pedal)
8Geigen Principal
8Diapason8Stopped Diapason
8Bourdon8Viola da Gamba
8Open Flute8Voix Celeste
4Octave4Geigen Octave
4Koppel Flöte4Klein Gedeckt
2 2/3Cornet III2 2/3Sesquialtera II
2Block Flute1Plein Jeu IV
2 2/3Grande Fourniture IV (Extended from Pedal)16Fagot
1 1/3Fourniture IV8Trompette
8Bombarde (Ch)8Voix Humaine

Choir Organ (61 Notes)
Pedal Organ (32 notes)
8Rohrflöte32Sub Bourdon (electronic)
4Dolce Flute16Contra Bass
4Spitz Principal16Bourdon
2Italian Principal16Open Wood (electronic)
1 1/3Quinte8Principal
1Sifflöte8Stopped Diapason
8Bombarde4Choral Bass
8Clarinet2 2/3Fourniture IV
Tremulant32Bombardon (electronic)
16Fagot (Sw)
Gt/PedSw/GtSw/ChChoir unison off
Gt/Ped 4’Sw/Gt 4’Sw/Ch 4’Gt/Gt 4’
Sw/PedSw/Gt 16’Sw/Ch 16’Great unison off
Sw/ped 4’Ch/GtGt/ChSw/Sw 4’
Ch/PedCh/Gt 4’Ch/Ch 4’Sw/Sw 16’
Ch/Ped 4’Ch/Gt 16’Ch/Ch 16’Swell unison off
Piston action
6Swell thumb pistons, reversible Sw/Ped
6Great thumb pistons, reversible Gt/Ped, Sw/Gt, Ch/Gt6
Choir thumb pistons, reversible Ch/Ped, Sw/Ch
6Pedal thumb and toe pistons
8General thumb and toe pistons
Ped/Gt Comb thumb piston
Gt/Ch xfer thumb piston
Ped Sub Bourdon 32 thumb piston
Reversible Full Organ thumb and toe piston
Reversible Gt/Ped toe piston
Swell, Choir, and Crescendo pedals
32 levels of memory