Grace Church Library
About Our Collection
Our collection covers a wide variety of subjects including:
Christian Life, Ethics, Meditation, Theology and Spirituality
Dealing with the critical times in one's life
Fiction (with and without church themes)
A varied and inviting section (labeled BGS) is devoted to the books discussed by the Grace Church on-the-Hill Book & Film Group
Children will find their books on the shelves to the right as they enter the library.
Maintaining the library is our way of walking alongside you, as we all strive to follow Christ's command to love God and to love our neighbours as ourselves.

Our hope is to:
Increase your knowledge of the scriptures, history of the church, and Anglican tradition
Support you at such key moments as birth, baptism, marriage and divorce, aging and death
Enrich your leisure time and respond to your varied interests
Using the Library: Finding, Borrowing, and Returning Books
You are welcome to come and borrow books whenever you wish, but please check with the church office prior to your visit. The library is housed in the reception room at the back of the parish hall.
Circulation is self-service. Signs posted in the library explain how to borrow books, and when and where to return them. Please remember, when you sign the borrower's card, to include the date you are borrowing the book AND your phone number or e-mail address.
The catalogue is available on-line, at this website. However, before you click on the “Browse the Catalogue” button at the top of this “page,” you may want to read the “Searching the Catalogue” section that follows.
The Grace Church Library's WebSearch module is now available for your browsing. To check whether the Library has the book you are looking for, or perhaps to see what books we have about meditation, or by Henri Nouwen, please go to "Search the library." Click on it and you will find yourself at the Basic Search Screen. The trick here is to type a word, or some words, into the first empty box BEFORE clicking on any of the buttons below. After you have entered a search term, choose and click on the search that best suits your query (Author, Title, Subject, or Keyword). A useful trick is to keep your query simple. Just the author's surname or just the first 1 or 2 words of a title. As our database grows, you may have to be more precise. CAVEAT: If we have books that match your query, the WebSearch will tell you that you may "Request To Borrow Checked Item(s)". Alas, we cannot provide that service at this time. Jot down the Call Number of the book and come into the Library.