Legacy Giving at Grace Church on-the-Hill

Grace Church-on-the-Hill is a living legacy of faithful service to our Lord Jesus Christ for the past 150 years, supported by its members who have devoted their time, treasure and talents to the congregation over that time. Legacy giving has
been an important part of that story as the gifts people bequeath to Grace Church have enabled the maintenance of the highest standards of worship, music, children’s ministries and our beautiful building.
Simply put, a legacy gift is a donation made to the Church through your estate, which may be made through a bequest in your will, the assignment of proceeds from an insurance policy, or through funds held in your Registered Retirement
funds. The majority of these gifts have been monetary ones, but have also been gifts-in-kind, such as valuable musical instruments or works of art such as stained-glass windows.
Look around Grace - the Legacy Book at the back of the church and the plaques on the walls tell the stories of our forebears’ generosity and the importance of this place of Grace. Why? Because Grace Church was an important
part of their lives and they were passionate about preserving that legacy.
The benefits of a Legacy gift are many. Most importantly, a gift from your accumulated assets from your estate allows you to make a much larger gift to Grace Church than you might otherwise have been able to do through your lifetime. Thus, a Legacy gift costs you nothing during your lifetime but will createa substantial tax benefit to your estate on your final tax return.
You can designate your Legacy Gift to Grace Church-on-the-Hill without restrictions and it will be used by the Church for an area of greatest needs at the time it is received. Grace Church also has a General Endowment fund where your gift will be held in perpetuity and only the interest spent annually, as well as Pastoral and Music Endowment funds.