Choral Evensong Services at Grace
Take a pause at the end of a busy week, and join us on the first Sunday of each month
at 4:30 pm for Evensong, a traditional service featuring our choir.
Choral Evensong is a contemplative service of prayer, scripture and music which has been sung in the Anglican church since the sixteenth century. Evensong or Evening Prayer, is a worship service that was devised by Thomas Cranmer for the Book of Common Prayer (1549) and brings together many elements of the monastic offices of Vespers and Compline. This forty-five minute service of music, scripture and prayer is a particularly special opportunity for intimate prayer and meditation.
The service begins with a choral introit - a piece sung by the choir from the back of the church. Preces and responses from the Book of Common Prayer are sung by the Priest and responded to by the choir, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimitis are sung by the choir as well as a choral anthem, an Anglican Chant psalm. Two hymns and two readings from scripture make up the rest of the service. Because so much of the service is sung by the choir it provides the congregation with space and environment to listen, receive and allow for an experience of transcendence through prayer and contemplation. Evensong affords the opportunity to sing hymns and pray together as a community.
The choir lovingly prepares the music for each monthly service and warmly invites you to join us for this very special service that celebrates unique aspects of the Anglican tradition.
-Sarah Hicks, Director of Music
